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Version: 3.xx.xx



refine implements a simple and transparent telemetry module for collecting usage statistics defined in a very limited scope.

Tracking is totally secure and anonymous. It includes no personally identifiable Information and does not use cookies. Participation is optional and users may easily opt-out.

Why do we need this?

We try to answer the question how many users are actively using the Refine framework. This information is critical for open-source projects like Refine to better understand their communities and measure their growth metrics.

How do we collect data?

The tracking happens when a Refine application is loaded on the user's browser. On application init, a single HTTP request is sent to The request body is encode with Base64 to be decode on Refine servers.

There are no consequent requests on that session, as we do NOT collect any behavioral information such as page views, button clicks, etc.

What is collected?

The HTTP call has a JSON payload having the following application-specific attributes:

providersboolean[]List of providers used in the project (auth, data, router, live, notification, auditLog, i18n or accessControl)
versionstringVersion of the refine package.
resourceCountnumberNumber of total resources.

Additionaly following information is extracted and collected from the HTTP header:

IP AddressIP Address of the machine the request is coming from.
HostnameHostname of the machine the request is coming from.
BrowserBrowser and browser version.
OSOS and OS version.

How to opt-out?

You can opt out of telemetry by simply adding disableTelemetry prop to the <Refine /> component.