100 examplesAccess Control Casbin
Access Control is a complex topic with a variety of sophisticated solutions that provide numerous functions. This example demonstrates how to use refine and Casbin to simplify access control management throughout your application.
Ant DesignAccess Control
Access Control Cerbos
Access Control is a complex topic with a variety of sophisticated solutions that provide numerous functions. This example demonstrates how to use refine and Cerbos to simplify access control management throughout your application.
Ant DesignAccess Control
In this example you can see how Ant Design's Calendar component can be used with Refine data hooks.
Ant Design
Auth Provider Auth0
Auth0 is a modular, API-first authentication and authorization service that you may use to add authentication and authorization to your apps. In this example, you'll see how to use Auth0 Login with refine.
Ant DesignAuth ProviderAuth0
Auth Provider Google Auth
You can use Google Login to control access and provide identity for your app. This example will guide you through how to connect Google Login into your project using refine.
Ant DesignAuth ProviderGoogle Sign In
Auth Provider OTP Login
A one-time password(OTP) is a password that has two fundamental properties : it expires quickly, and it can’t be reused. OTPs are usually numeric or alphanumeric strings and are generated for a single login procedure. This example shows how to utilize OTP input logic with refine. You can use one-time passwords to access your application with refine AuthProvider.
Ant DesignAuth ProviderOtp Login
Authentication with Ant Design
You can create your own Authentication approach using refine. You can customize the AuthProvider methods according to your needs and control the privileges of your users. This example is a simple example of custom authentication with refine.
Ant DesignAuthentication
Authentication Example
You can create your own Authentication approach using refine. You can customize the AuthProvider methods according to your needs and control the privileges of your users. This example is a simple example of custom authentication with refine.
HeadlessAuthenticationViteReact Hook FormReact Table
Authentication with Mantine
You can create your own Authentication approach using refine. You can customize the AuthProvider methods according to your needs and control the privileges of your users. This example is a simple example of custom authentication with refine.
MantineAuthenticationViteReact Table
Authentication with Material UI
You can create your own Authentication approach using refine. You can customize the AuthProvider methods according to your needs and control the privileges of your users. This example is a simple example of custom authentication with refine.
Material UIAuthenticationReact Table
Command Palette
kbar integration for `command`/`crtrl`+`k` interface for your Refine App.
Command PaletteKbar
Refine's useImport hook
useImport example of @pankod/refine-core
HeadlessRefine Hooks
Refine's useModal hook
useModal example of @pankod/refine-core
HeadlessRefine Hooks
Refine's useSelect hook
useSelect example of @pankod/refine-core
HeadlessRefine Hooks
Custom Footer
In your refine project, you can modify the design in a few simple steps. With refine, you can completely customize your layout to your prefrence. This example goes through how to add a Custom Footer in your refine project.
Ant DesignCustomization
Custom Login Page
With refine, you may customize your Login pages to match your own case and demands. You can also manage your Custom Login Page with refine's Auth Provider hooks. This example explains how to create a basic custom login page.
Ant DesignCustomization
Custom Sider
Creating your own Sider Menu with refine is quite simple. We have customize the default refine Sider Menu in this example. You can customize the sider menu of your refine project based examine this sample.
Ant DesignCustomization
Custom Off Layout Area
With refine, you may manage your entire project. It does not limit you in any way, giving you complete creative control. This example shows how to customize and employ refine`s Off Layout Area in detail.
Ant DesignCustomization
RTL Layout
This example shows how to use refine to manage and customize the content of your Layout. You may adapt and design your Layout content as you choose by examine this example and the source code.
Ant DesignCustomization
Top Menu Layout
refine enables you to customize and organize your UI as you choose thanks to its strong customization capabilities. It is shown in this case how to modify the custom Top Menu Layout component.
Ant DesignCustomization
Custom Pages with Ant Design
The feature to modify your project in detail is a major benefit of using refine. In this example, you learn how to include and manage your own Custom Pages in your project.
Ant DesignCustomization
You can customize design and theme in your project with refine. In this example, we have created an example application by customizing the default theme of refine. You can easily customize your theme as you wish in your refine project.
Ant DesignCustomizationTheme
Data Provider Airtable
By using refine`s full-featured Airtable Data Provider, it allows you to access your data quickly without any additional setup or coding. The following example will show you how to use your Airtable data within the refine project.
Ant DesignData ProviderAirtable
Data Provider Altogic
refine full-featured Altogic Data Provider it allows you to get to your data quickly without requiring any additional setup or code. This example will show how to utilize the refine Altogic Provider in this project.
Ant DesignData ProviderAltogic
Data Provider Appwrite
Connect your Appwrite database with refine Appwrite Data Provider and take advantage of the features that allow you to list, filter or create data in it. refine also supports Realt-time updates from Appwrite Database! This example will show you how the refine Appwrite Data Provider works and is used.
Ant DesignData ProviderAppwrite
Data Provider Directus
refine full-featured Directus Data Provider it allows you to get to your data quickly without requiring any additional setup or code. This example will show how to utilize the refine Directus Provider in this project.
Ant DesignCommunityData ProviderDirectus
Data Provider Hasura
Any REST or GraphQL custom backend work integrated with refine. refine Hasura GraphQL Data Provider comes out-of-the-box. Thanks to refine, you can connect to your Hasura database and create special queries and use your data easily. This example shows in detail how you can use the data in your Hasura database with refine project.
Ant DesignData ProviderHasuraGraphQLLive Provider
Data Provider Multiple Providers
refine's Multiple Data Provider feature allows you to connect multiple backends and manage their data with a single interface. This tutorial explains in detail how to use the Multiple Data Provider in your project.
Ant DesignData Provider
Data Provider Nestjsx Crud
refine Nestjsx Crud Data Provider allows you to use your data on the frontend by connecting to your Nestjsx API. With refine, it perform these operations for you without having to write extra code for queries. By examining this example, you can learn how to use the Nestjsx Crud Data Provider.
Ant DesignData ProviderNestJsx Crud
Data Provider Nhost
refine Nhost GraphQL Data Provider comes out-of-the-box. Thanks to refine, you can connect to your Nhost database and create special queries and use your data easily. This example shows in detail how you can use the data in your Nhost database with refine project.
Ant DesignData ProviderNhostAuth ProviderGraphQL
Data Provider Strapi
This example demonstrates how to quickly connect your Strapi data with a full-featured refine Strapi Data Provider without having to make any additional adjustments.
Ant DesignData ProviderStrapiAuth Provider
Data Provider Strapi GraphQL
Strapi GraphQL is supported out-of-the-box by refine. Using your GraphQL data and creating custom queries is very easy using the refine Strapi-GraphQL provider. This example provides information on how to manage your Strapi-GraphQL data and how you can submit queries.
Ant DesignData ProviderStrapiGraphQLAuth Provider
Data Provider Strapi v4
refine supports all the features that come with Strapi-v4. In this example, how to manage your data with Refine Strapi-v4 Data Provider, CRUD operations and more is explained in detail.
Ant DesignData ProviderStrapiStrapi V4Auth Provider
Data Provider Supabase
Connect your Supabase database with refine Supabase Data Provider and easily manage all the features that the database offers in your interface. This example will show you how Supabase Data Provider works and is used.
Ant DesignSupabaseData ProviderLive ProviderAuth ProviderAuthentication
E2E Testing with Cypress
End-to-end testing (E2E Testing) is a method for examining whether an application's flow from start to finish is functioning as anticipated. In this example, we created the tests with the E2E test method for the components such as create, edit and list that we created on the refine side. For detailed information, you can check the live example and source code.
TestingE2ECypressAnt Design
Ant Design's useCheckboxGroup hook
The refine useCheckboxGroup hook allows you to manage your data in the form of checkboxes in an Ant Design Checkbox.Group component. In cases where users need to select more than one content, you can easily handle your transactions by using this hook. In the example below you can see how to create and manage checkboxes using the useCheckboxGroup hook.
Ant Design
Ant Design's useRadioGroup hook
You can use the refine useRadioGroup hook to manage your data in a source as an Ant Design Radio.Group component and create radio group buttons. This example simply shows how the useRadioGroup hook is used and how it works with the Ant Design Radio.Group component.
Ant Design
Ant Design's useSelect hook
When records in a resource need to be used as select options, the refine useSelect hook allows you to handle an Ant Design Select component. Also this hook includes out-of-the-box features such as fetchSize, sorting, and filtering. You may examine the code below to learn how to create and manage Select component with useSelect.
Ant Design
Form Ant Design Custom Form Validation
You can make basic validations with Ant Design Form.Item rules propertyp to the forms you have created with Refine. In addition, it allows you to make custom validations that you want or need. It is very easy to add your custom rules and validations by using the validator function within the Form.Item rules property. In the example below, a custom form validation process is explained in detail.
FormAnt Design
Form Ant Design useDrawerForm
useDrawerForm hook allows you to access and manage the forms you've created in the Drawer Component. The code below may help you understand how to create and manage forms in a Drawer component.
FormAnt Design
Form Ant Design useForm
refine useForm is a hook that helps you manage methods such as create, edit, and clone within the form. In this example, we constructed forms that you may use to create, edit, and clone posts using the userForm hook. You may look at the example to see how it's used.
FormAnt Design
Form Ant Design useModalForm
With the useModalForm hook, you can manage a form inside of your modal component. It returns Ant Design Form and Modal props. You may examine the code below to learn how to create and manage forms within a modal.
FormAnt Design
Form Ant Design useStepsForm
The useStepsForm hook is a method that allows you to split your form into multiple sections using an Ant Design Steps component, which can be used to manage your form. If your form contains multiple steps, as in the example below, it's pretty simple to manage and handle your Steps form using the refine useStepsForm hook.
FormAnt Design
Save and Continue in Forms
refine provides you with the necessary methods to add this feature. This feature is familiar to Django users.
Form Mantine useDrawerForm
useModalForm hook allows you to manage a form within a modal as well as a drawer. It provides some useful methods to handle the form modal or form drawer. You can view the live example or review the source code to see how it's used with Material UI.
Form Mantine useForm
refine works integrated with useForm of @mantine/form library. Using this package, you can use all the features provided by Mantine in your refine project in a compatible way. You can view the live example or review the source code to see how it's used with Mantine.
Form Mantine useModalForm
useModalForm hook allows you to manage a form within a modal. It provides some useful methods to handle the form modal. You can view the live example or review the source code to see how it's used with Mantine.
Form Mantine useStepsForm
useStepsForm allows you to manage a form with multiple steps. It provides features such as which step is currently active, the ability to go to a specific step and validation when changing steps etc. You can view the live example or review the source code to see how it's used with Mantine.
Form Material UI useDrawerForm
useModalForm hook allows you to manage a form within a modal as well as a drawer. It provides some useful methods to handle the form modal or form drawer. You can view the live example or review the source code to see how it's used with Material UI.
FormMaterial UIReact Hook Form
Form Material UI useForm
refine allows you to use all the features of React Hook Form library with @pankod/refine-react-hook-form adapter. Using this package, you can create your own headless forms and use all the features provided by React Hook Form in your refine project in a compatible way. You can view the live example or review the source code to see how it's used with Material UI.
FormMaterial UIReact Hook Form
Form Material UI useModalForm
useModalForm hook allows you to manage a form within a modal. It provides some useful methods to handle the form modal. You can view the live example or review the source code to see how it's used with Material UI.
FormMaterial UIReact Hook Form
Form Material UI useStepsForm
useStepsForm allows you to manage a form with multiple steps. It provides features such as which step is currently active, the ability to go to a specific step and validation when changing steps etc. You can view the live example or review the source code to see how it's used with Material UI.
FormMaterial UIReact Hook Form
Form React Hook Form useForm
refine allows you to use all the features of React Hook Form library with @pankod/refine-react-hook-form adapter. Using this package, you can create your own headless forms and use all the features provided by React Hook Form in your refine project in a compatible way. For more information, you can view the live example or review the source code.
FormHeadlessReact Hook Form
Form React Hook Form useModalForm
useModalForm hook allows you to manage a form within a modal. It provides some useful methods to handle the form modal. For more information, you can view the live example or review the source code.
FormHeadlessReact Hook Form
Form React Hook Form useStepsForm
useStepsForm allows you to manage a form with multiple steps. It provides features such as which step is currently active, the ability to go to a specific step and validation when changing steps etc. For more information, you can view the live example or review the source code.
FormHeadlessReact Hook Form
i18n Next.js
refine i18n Provider allows you to add mutiple language choices to your web application. The default language of refine is English. You can include and use your own translation in the project for different language preferences. This example shows how to use different language options and translations in practice.
Next.jsi18nAnt Design
i18n React
refine i18n Provider allows you to add mutiple language choices to your web application. The default language of refine is English. You can include and use your own translation in the project for different language preferences. This example shows how to use different language options and translations in practice.
Ant Designi18n
Import Export with Ant Design
refine allows you to export and import your data as CSV files. You can quickly do CSV import and export operation with refine by creating model operations on the CSV data.
Ant DesignImportExportRefine HooksData Provider
Custom Form Inputs with Ant Design
When working with form data, refine uses Ant Design's Form component. Ant Design enables us to create our own custom inputs within the Form.Item components. As a result, we may include our own custom input fields on the form. We use the Custom Input to enter a new value for the Content field in this example. If you want to add custom inputs to your project, you can follow this example and have information about how it is used.
Ant DesignCustomization
Custom Date Picker with Ant Design
While creating a record with refine, you may use the Ant Design Date Picker component directly in your refine project if you need date information. We utilized the Date Picker component to obtain 'Published At' date data while creating a post in this example. You may examine the code below to learn how to use and manage Date Picker Component in your project.
Ant DesignCustomization
Refine with Javascript
Refine supports you to develop with JavaScript. All features of refine can be used with JavaScript. In our example below, we developed the refine-tutorial sample application entirely with JavaScript. You can learn more by following the live example.
JavascriptAnt Design
Refine's useSimpleList hook
refine's useSimpleList hook allows you to get your data straight from the API. This data is compatible with Ant Design List and can be used in it. Furthermore, this hook includes out-of-the-box features such as pagination, sorting, and filtering. In this example, how to use useSimpleList is explained in detail.
Ant DesignRefine Hooks
Live Provider Ably
The liveProvider is a powerful tool for developers who want to create an interactive app experience that can be updated in Realtime. This is an example of refine that you can use to manage your data in Realtime.
Ant DesignLive ProviderAblyData Provider
Multi Level Menu Multi Level Menu
The multi-level menu will provide you with the necessary infrastructure to create your resources with the priority.
Ant DesignCustomizationRefine Hooks
Multi Tenancy Appwrite
In this example, we've shown how to build a Multi-Tenant app using the Appwrite database and refine in a simple manner. You can learn more by taking a look at the Live Example and reading the Appwrite Multi-Tenancy Guide.
Ant DesignAppwriteData ProviderLive Providerreact Router
Multi Tenancy Strapi V4
In this example, we've shown how to build a Multi-Tenant app using the Strapi-v4 and refine in a simple manner. You can learn more by taking a look at the Live Example and reading the refine Strapi-v4 Multi-Tenancy Guide.
Ant DesignStrapiStrapi V4Data Providerreact Router
Next.js Ant Design
refine allows you to build your SSR supported web applications using Next.js. With this example, you can see how to make a simple SSR supported CMS Admin panel using Ant Design.
Next.jsRouter ProviderAnt Design
Notification Provider React Toastify
With refine Notification Provider, you can show notification messages in your application anywhere. These may be warnings or errors that advise an action and help maintain user engagement with the app's functionality. You can use any notification library and manage them with refine's useNotification hook! In this example we used the React Toastify library to show notifications.
HeadlessReact Hook FormReact TableCustomizationNotifications
RealWorld Example
"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone powered by Refine!
LargeHeadlessReact Hook FormCustomizationData ProviderAuth Provider
Remix Ant Design
refine allows you to build your SSR supported web applications using Remix. With this example, you can see how to make a simple SSR supported CMS Admin panel using Ant Design.
RemixRouter ProviderAnt Design
Remix Headless
refine allows you to build your SSR supported web applications using Remix. With this example, you can see how to make a simple SSR supported headless (without any style/component) CRUD App.
RemixRouter ProviderHeadless
Router Provider React Location
React Location is responsible for handling all the routing configurations of your application. With refine's React Location support, you can use React Location for routing in your project. The following example uses React Location for routing. You may look at the sample to see how it's done.
Ant DesignRouter ProviderReact Location
Search Component with Ant Design
This example explains in detail how to create a Search component using Ant Design `` in your refine project.
Ant DesignCustomization
Advanced Ant Design Table
Multiple record deletion, modification, and other features can be used simultaneously in a table. It's an example of a Advanced Table made with refine's customization feature.
TableAnt Designreact Router
Filtering on Ant Design Table
The Table Filter option allows you to apply filters to the data in your table. The example below demonstrates how you might filter and display data in your table based on certain field parameters.
TableFilterAnt Designreact Router
Ant Design useDeleteMany Hook
The useDeleteMany is one of refine's data hooks. It removes more than one data from the database. We used the useDeleteMany hook to remove more than one record from our table in this scenario. On your table, you may remove multiple records by selecting them and pressing delete. You can get more information by examining the example.
TableAnt DesignRefine Hooksreact Router
Ant Design useEditableTable Hook
useEditableTable, includes all of the capabilities of useTable. It also enables you to edit your Table in addition to these advantages. It returns Ant Design Table and Form components props.
TableAnt DesignRefine Hooksreact Router
Ant Design useTable Hook
You may use the useTable hook to process your data with features compatible with the Ant Design Table Component. You can be used as an out-of-the-box feature without needing to do extra operations for sorting, filtering, and pagination.
TableAnt Design
Ant Design useUpdateMany Hook
useUpdateMany is one of refine's data hooks. It performs the process of updating more than one data. In this example, we used the useUpdateMany hook to edit multiple data on the table. You can edit more than one data by selecting the rows you want to edit on your table. You can get more information by examining the example.
TableAnt DesignRefine Hooksreact Router
Handsontable Example
Handsontable is a full featured spreadsheet editor. You can develop applications with spreadsheet-like UX using Handsontable and Refine.
Advanced React Table with Mantine
It is an example of Mantine Advanced React Table created with refine's @pankod/refine-react-table adapter. In addition to the Mantine Basic React Table example, deletion editing and filtering features are used together in your table. For more information, you can view the live example or review the source code to see how it's used with Mantine.
TableMantineReact Tablereact Router
Basic React Table with Mantine
refine allows you to use all the features of React Table with @pankod/refine-react-table adapter. In this way, you can manage your server-side data operations. By using this adapter, you can directly use all the features of React Table in your refine project. For more information, you can view the live example or review the source code to see how it's used with Mantine.
TableMantineReact Tablereact Router
Advanced Material UI Table
Advanced table examples with useDataGrid and useTable created with refine's @pankod/refine-react-table adapter.
TableMaterial UIreact Router
Filtering on Material UI Table
The Table Filter option allows you to apply filters to the data in your table. The example below demonstrates how you might filter and display data in your table based on certain field parameters.
TableFilterMaterial UIreact Router
Material UI's useDataGrid Hook
You may use the useDataGrid hook to process your data with features compatible with the MUI X DataGrid and DataGridPro component. You can be used as an out-of-the-box feature without needing to do extra operations for sorting, filtering, and pagination.
TableMaterial UI
Material UI useDeleteMany Hook
The useDeleteMany is one of refine's data hooks. It removes more than one data from the database. We used the useDeleteMany hook to remove more than one record from our table in this scenario. On your table, you may remove multiple records by selecting them and pressing delete. You can get more information by examining the example.
TableMaterial UIRefine Hooksreact Router
Material UI useUpdateMany Hook
useUpdateMany is one of refine's data hooks. It performs the process of updating more than one data. In this example, we used the useUpdateMany hook to edit multiple data on the table. You can edit more than one data by selecting the rows you want to edit on your table. You can get more information by examining the example.
TableMaterial UIRefine Hooksreact Router
Advanced React Table
It is an example of Advanced React Table created with refine's @pankod/refine-react-table adapter. In addition to the Basic React Table example, deletion editing and filtering features are used together in your table. For more information, you can view the live example or review the source code.
TableReact Tablereact Router
Basic React Table
refine allows you to use all the features of React Table with @pankod/refine-react-table adapter. In this way, you can manage your server-side data operations. By using this adapter, you can directly use all the features of React Table in your refine project.
TableReact Tablereact Router
Ant Design UI Tutorial
This tutorial will go through process of building a simple admin panel for a CMS-like application.
Ant DesignTutorialRESTRouter ProviderReact Router
Headless Tutorial
This tutorial will go through process of building a simple admin panel for a CMS-like application.
HeadlessTutorialRESTRouter ProviderReact Router
Material UI Tutorial
This tutorial will go through process of building a simple admin panel for a CMS-like application.
Material UITutorialREST
UseModal Hook
You can use the useModal hook to manage an Ant Design Modal. This hook offers you all options for controlling an Ant Design Modal. We've demonstrated how to utilize a Modal in basic form using the useModal hook in this example.
Ant DesignRefine Hooks
Upload Ant Design Base64 Upload
refine allows you to upload your files or images in your forms as Base64 Upload. When uploading a file or an image to a source, you can complete your upload by encoding it to Base64. In this example, you'll learn how to use refine's file2Base64 function to upload a file as Base64.
Ant DesignUpload
Upload Ant Design Multipart Upload
Multipart Upload is supported by the refine. With refine, you may upload any file using Multipart Upload logic. In this example we showed you how to upload images with Multipart Upload to a resource. Check out the live example for more information.
Ant DesignUpload
Upload Mantine Base64 Upload
In this example, you'll learn how to do base64 upload in refine with useForm. For more information, you can view the live example or review the source code.
Upload Mantine Multipart Upload
In this example, you'll learn how to do multipart upload in refine with useForm. For more information, you can view the live example or review the source code.
Upload Material UI Base64 Upload
In this example, you'll learn how to do base64 upload in refine with React Hook Form. For more information, you can view the live example or review the source code.
Material UIUpload
Upload Material UI Multipart Upload
In this example, you'll learn how to do multipart upload in refine with React Hook Form. For more information, you can view the live example or review the source code.
Material UIUpload
Web3 Sign In with Ethereum
A web3 wallet is a type of cryptocurrency wallet that allows you to send, receive, and store digital assets without the need for a third party. This example demonstrates how to log-in to our refine project with Ethereum and connect your Metamask Web3 wallet. You can also learn how to send test ethereum with Metamask using the refine UI and how transactions are handled in this example.
Web3Auth ProviderAnt Design