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Version: 3.xx.xx


It is a hook that returns breadcrumbs to create breadcrumbs for the current page. The breadcrumbs are an array of objects with the following properties:

Congratulations ๐Ÿฅ‡

The feature won first place with the joint votes of our team members in a May 2022 internal hackathon!

Congratulations @salihozdemir! It was great seeing your project take first place! We're all very proud of you. Keep up the good work and don't forget to have fun while working here ๐ŸŽ‰

  • label: the label of the resource.
  • href: the route of the resource.
  • icon: the icon of the resource.

You can refer to the source-code of the useBreadcrumb hook to see how it is built.

Basic Usageโ€‹

import React from "react";
import { useBreadcrumb } from "@pankod/refine-core";

export const Breadcrumb: React.FC = () => {
const { breadcrumbs } = useBreadcrumb();

return (
{{ label, href, icon }) => (
<li key={label}>
{href ? <a href={href}>{label}</a> : label}

The breadcrumbs are created with your resource definitions. For example, if you have a resource with the following definition:

name: "posts",
icon: <div>icon</div>,
list: () => <div>List Page</div>,
create: () => <div>Create Page</div>,
  • On the list page of the posts resource, the breadcrumbs look like this:

    label: "Posts",
    href: "/posts",
    icon: <div>icon</div>,
  • On the create page of the posts resource, the breadcrumbs look like this:

    label: "Posts",
    href: "/posts",
    icon: <div>icon</div>,
    { label: "Create" },

If resource has no icon property, the icon property of the breadcrumbs is undefined. Likewise, if the resource's list page is not found, the href property of the breadcrumbs is undefined.

If you have a nested resource definition as below:

name: "cms",
name: "users",
parentName: "cms",
list: () => <div>List Page</div>,
create: () => <div>Create Page</div>,
  • On the list page of the users resource, the breadcrumbs look like this:

    { label: "Cms" },
    label: "Users",
    href: "/users",
  • On the create page of the users resource, the breadcrumbs look like this:

    { label: "Cms" },
    label: "Users",
    href: "/users",
    { label: "Create" },

i18n supportโ€‹

If resource definition has label property, useBreadcrumbs uses the label property. Otherwise, the name property of the resource is used. Likewise, if resource definition has route property, useBreadcrumbs uses the route property. Otherwise, the name property of the resource is used.


If label is not provided in your posts resource useBreadcrumb uses the useTranslate hook to translate the names.

For CRUD operations (list,create,edit,show) the useBreadcrumb uses the actions key to translate key translate(`actions.${action}`).

For example; create action should look like : translate(`actions.create`)

API Referenceโ€‹

Return valuesโ€‹

breadcrumbsThe breadcrumbs arrayBreadcrumbsType*


type BreadcrumbsType = {
label: string;
href?: string;
icon?: React.ReactNode;