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Version: 3.xx.xx


useMenu is used to get menu items derived from the resources. These items include a link to dashboard page (if it exists) and links to the user defined resources (passed as children to <Refine>). This hook can also be used to build custom menus, including multi-level support. <Sider/> components inside @pankod/refine-antd and @pankod/refine-mui packages are using this hook as a base for their menus.

const { selectedKey, menuItems, defaultOpenKeys } = useMenu();
  • menuItems is a list of style agnostic menu items. Each of them has a key.
  • selectedKey is the key of the resource user is viewing at the moment. Its inferred from the route.
  • defaultOpenKeys is the array with the keys of default opened menus.


useMenu hooks exported from @pankod/refine-antd and @pankod/refine-mui packages are now deprecated and will be removed. Please use useMenu from @pankod/refine-core.



If you are using @pankod/refine-antd or @pankod/refine-mui as a UI framework integration, you can find out more info about how their <Sider/> components are created and how to create a custom one by following their guides.

Ant Design > Customization > Custom Sider β†’

Material UI > Customization > Custom Sider β†’

Creating a Menu​

We will show you how to use useMenu to create a simple menu for your refine application.

Create a <Layout /> component inside src/components/layout.tsx with the following code;

import { LayoutProps } from "@pankod/refine-core";
import { useMenu, useNavigation, useRouterContext, useRefineContext } from "@pankod/refine-core";

export const Layout: React.FC<LayoutProps> = ({ children }) => {
const { menuItems, selectedKey } = useMenu();
const { hasDashboard } = useRefineContext();
const { Link } = useRouterContext();
// You can also use navigation helpers from `useNavigation` hook instead of `Link` from your Router Provider.
// const { push } = useNavigation();

return (
<div className="flex min-h-screen flex-col">
<div className="mb-2 border-b py-2">
<div className="container mx-auto">
<div className="flex items-center gap-2">
<Link to="/">
{hasDashboard && (
<Link to="/">
<a style={{ fontWeight: selectedKey === "/" ? "bold" : "normal" }}>
{{ name, label icon, route }) => {
const isSelected = route === selectedKey;
return (
<li key={name}>
<Link to={route}>
<a style={{ fontWeight: isSelected ? "bold" : "normal" }}>
<span>{label ?? name}</span>
<div className="bg-white">{children}</div>

We created a header with a logo and a list of links to all menu items (resources). The links are clickable and will navigate to the corresponding resource. To do this, we used the useMenu hook to get the menu items from the <Refine/> and the useRouterContext hook to get the <Link/> component from the router provider. Also useNavigation hook can be used to navigate between routes.

children is the content of the layout. In our case, it is the content of the Page components.

Now, we can use the <Layout/> in our application.

import { Refine } from "@pankod/refine-core";
import routerProvider from "@pankod/refine-react-router-v6";
import dataProvider from "@pankod/refine-simple-rest";

import { PostList, PostCreate, PostEdit, PostShow } from "pages/post";
import { CategoryList, CategoryCreate, CategoryEdit } from "pages/category";
import { Layout } from "components/layout";
import { PostIcon } from "icons";

export const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
name: "posts",
list: PostList,
create: PostCreate,
edit: PostEdit,
show: PostShow,
name: "categories",
list: CategoryList,
create: CategoryCreate,
edit: CategoryEdit,
canDelete: true,

Multi Level Menus​

useMenu hook comes out of the box with multi level menu support, you can render menu items recursively to get a multi level menu.

Update your resources in <Refine/> with parentName to nest them inside a label.

import { Refine } from "@pankod/refine-core";
import routerProvider from "@pankod/refine-react-router-v6";
import dataProvider from "@pankod/refine-simple-rest";

import { PostList, PostCreate, PostEdit, PostShow } from "pages/post";
import { CategoryList, CategoryCreate, CategoryEdit } from "pages/category";

import { Layout } from "components/layout";
import { PostIcon } from "icons";

export const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
name: "CMS",
name: "posts",
parentName: "CMS",
list: PostList,
create: PostCreate,
edit: PostEdit,
show: PostShow,
name: "categories",
parentName: "CMS",
list: CategoryList,
create: CategoryCreate,
edit: CategoryEdit,
canDelete: true,

Now you can update your <Layout/> to support multi level rendering with following code:

import { LayoutProps } from "@pankod/refine-core";
import { useMenu, useNavigation, useRouterContext } from "@pankod/refine-core";

export const Layout: React.FC<LayoutProps> = ({ children }) => {
const { menuItems, selectedKey } = useMenu();
const { Link } = useRouterContext();

const renderMenu = (items) => {
return (
{ => (
<li key={item.label}>
{item.children ? renderMenu(item.children) : null}

return (
<div className="flex min-h-screen flex-col">
<div className="mb-2 border-b py-2">
<div className="container mx-auto">
<div className="flex items-center gap-2">
<Link to="/">
<div className="bg-white">{children}</div>

API Reference​

Return values​

selectedKeyKey of the resource the user is viewing at the momentstring
menuItemsList of keys and routes and some metadata of resources and also the dashboard if existsITreeMenu[]
defaultOpenKeysArray with the keys of default opened menus.string[]


interface IResourceItem extends IResourceComponents {
name: string;
label?: string;
route?: string;
icon?: ReactNode;
canCreate?: boolean;
canEdit?: boolean;
canShow?: boolean;
canDelete?: boolean;
parentName?: string;
options?: OptionsProps;

interface IResourceComponents {
list?: React.FunctionComponent<IResourceComponentsProps>;
create?: React.FunctionComponent<IResourceComponentsProps>;
edit?: React.FunctionComponent<IResourceComponentsProps>;
show?: React.FunctionComponent<IResourceComponentsProps>;

interface IResourceComponentsProps<TCrudData = any> {
canCreate?: boolean;
canEdit?: boolean;
canDelete?: boolean;
canShow?: boolean;
name?: string;
initialData?: TCrudData;

type OptionsProps<TExtends = { [key: string]: any }> = TExtends & {
label?: string;
route?: string;
auditLog?: {
permissions?: AuditLogPermissions[number][] | string[];
hide?: boolean;
[key: string]: any;

type IMenuItem = IResourceItem & {
key: string;

type ITreeMenu = IMenuItem & {
children: ITreeMenu[];

Source Code​

View source code for useMenu on GitHub β†’