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Version: 3.xx.xx


refine uses routerProvider and comes with all redirects out of the box. It allows you to manage your routing operations in refine. Using this hook, you can manage all the routing operations of your application very easily.

import { useNavigation } from "@pankod/refine-core";

const { create, edit, clone, show, list, push, replace, goBack } = useNavigation();

useNavigation uses the useHistory of the routerProvider.


We will make a button for each method to use.


Let's imagine that we have a post list and we want to be redirected to this page. To do this we will use the list hook.

import {
} from "@pankod/refine-core";

export const MyListButton = () => {
const { list } = useNavigation();

return (
onClick={(): void =>
Navigate to Post List Page


If we want to go to the post creation page to create a new post, we can use the create hook.

import {
} from "@pankod/refine-core";

export const MyCreateButton = () => {
const { create } = useNavigation();

return (
onClick={(): void =>
Navigate to Create Page


Let's see what we should do if we want to go to the editing page of one of our posts.

import {
} from "@pankod/refine-core";

export const MyEditButton = () => {
const { edit } = useNavigation();

return (
onClick={(): void =>
edit("posts", "1")
Navigate to Edit Page

We used the edit to navigate to the post edit page, but you can see the differences in using it. edit requires the id property from us and clicking the button will trigger the edit method of useNavigation and then redirect the app to /posts/edit/1


There is something we should pay attention to here. We need to give the id of which post we want to edit.


You can also give a type property to the methods. You can look here to see the properties.


If you want to show the detail of your posts you can use show and you need id for show.

import {
} from "@pankod/refine-core";

export const MyShowButton = () => {
const { show } = useNavigation();

return (
onClick={(): void =>
show("posts", "1")
Navigate to Show Page

There is something we should pay attention to here. We need to give the id of which post we want to show.


If you want to return to previous page. You can use goBack hook.


If we have the resources to clone a post and we want to go to this page, we will use clone with a record id.

import {
} from "@pankod/refine-core";

export const MyCloneButton = () => {
const { clone } = useNavigation();

return (
onClick={(): void =>
clone("posts", "1")
Navigate to Clone Page

There is something we should pay attention to here. We need to give the id of which post we want to clone.

Push, Replace and GoBack​

If we do not want to use the above methods and want to redirect ourselves, we should use push or replace methods and also we can use goBack to return to previous page. You can check out the differences between them here.

import {
} from "@pankod/refine-core";

export const MyHistoryButtons = () => {
const { push, replace, goBack } = useNavigation();

return (
onClick={(): void =>
Push to posts Page
onClick={(): void =>
Replaces to posts Page
onClick={(): void =>
Go back to previous Page

API Reference​


Redirect the app to the given resource namestring
typeIt is routerProvider history typesHistoryType"push"
idIt is used to append to the end of the pathstring

Return values​

createNavigate to create page of your resource(resource: string, type: HistoryType ) => void
listNavigate to list page of your resource(resource: string, type: HistoryType ) => void
editNavigate to edit page of your resource(resource: string, type: HistoryType , id: string) => void
cloneNavigate to clone page of your resource(resource: string, type: HistoryType , id: string) => void
showNavigate to show page of your resource(resource: string, type: HistoryType , id: string) => void
pushPushes a new entry onto the history stack(path: string, unknown[]) => void
replaceReplaces the current entry on the history stack(path: string, unknown[]) => void
goBackEquivalent to go previous stack() => void


History Type
export type HistoryType = "push" | "replace";