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Auth Provider

refine let's you set authentication logic by providing the authProvider property to the <Refine> component.

authProvider is an object with methods that refine uses when necessary. These methods are needed to return a Promise. They also can be accessed with specialized hooks.

An auth provider must include following methods:

const authProvider = {
login: () => Promise.resolve(),
logout: () => Promise.resolve(),
checkAuth: () => Promise.resolve(),
checkError: () => Promise.resolve(),
getPermissions: () => Promise.resolve(),
getUserIdentity: () => Promise.resolve(),

refine consumes these methods using authorization hooks. Authorization hooks are used to manage authentication and authorization operations like login, logout and catching HTTP errors etc.


You can find auth provider examples made with refine


To use authProvider in refine, we have to pass the authProvider to the <Refine /> component.

import { Refine } from "@pankod/refine";
import routerProvider from "@pankod/refine-react-router";
import dataProvider from "@pankod/refine-simple-rest";

import authProvider from "./auth-provider";

const API_URL = "";

const App = () => {
return (

By default, refine doesn't require authentication configuration.

If an authProvider property is not provided, refine will use the default authProvider. This default authProvider lets the app work without an authentication requirement.
If your app doesn't require authentication, no further setup is necessary for the app to work.

Creating an authProvider​

We will build a simple authProvider from scratch to show the logic of how authProvider methods interact with the app.


refine expects this method to return a resolved Promise if the login is successful, and a rejected Promise if it is not.

  • If the login is successful, pages that require authentication becomes accessible.

  • If the login fails, refine displays an error notification to the user.

Here we show an example login method that stores auth data in localStorage. For the sake of simplicity, we'll use mock data and check the user credentials from local storage.

const mockUsers = [{ username: "admin" }, { username: "editor" }];

const authProvider = {
login: ({ username, password, remember }) => {
// Suppose we actually send a request to the back end here.
const user = mockUsers.find((item) => item.username === username);

if (user) {
localStorage.setItem("auth", JSON.stringify(user));
return Promise.resolve();

return Promise.reject();

login method will be accessible via useLogin auth hook.

import { useLogin } from "@pankod/refine";

const { mutate: login } = useLogin();


mutate acquired from useLogin can accept any kind of object for values since login method from authProvider does not have a restriction on its parameters.
A type parameter for the values can be provided to useLogin.

const { mutate: login } =
useLogin<{ username: string; password: string; remember: boolean }>();

Refer to useLogin documentation for more information. β†’

Default login page​

If an authProvider is given, refine shows a default login page on "/" and "/login" routes and a login form if a custom LoginPage is not provided. Rest of the app won't be accessible until successful authentication.
After submission, login form calls the login method from authProvider.

Default Login Page


If an authProvider is given, resources passed to <Refine> as propery are only accessible if the login is successful. if no authProvider was provided, they are accessible without authentication.


refine expects this method to return a resolved Promise if the logout is successful, and a rejected Promise if it is not.

  • If the logout is successful, pages that requires authentication becomes unaccessible.

  • If the logout fails, refine displays an error notification to the user.

Here we show an example logout that removes auth data from local storage and returns a resolved promise.

const authProvider = {
logout: () => {
return Promise.resolve();

logout method will be accessible via the useLogout auth hook.

import { useLogout } from "@pankod/refine";

const { mutate: logout } = useLogout();


mutate acquired from useLogout can accept any kind of object for values since logout method from authProvider doesn't have a restriction on its parameters.

Refer to useLogout documentation for more information. β†’

Default logout button​

If authentication is enabled, a logout button appears at the bottom of the side bar menu. When the button is clicked, logout method from authProvider is called.

refine redirects the app to /login route by default.

Logout Action

Redirection after logout​

Redirection url can be customized by returning a route string, or false to disable redirection after logout.

const authProvider = {
logout: () => {
return Promise.resolve("custom-url");

Current authentication data needs to be cleaned by the logout method. For example, if a token is stored in local storage, logout must remove it as shown above.


When a dataProvider method returns an error, checkError is called with the error object.
If checkError returns a rejected promise, the logout method is called and user becomes unauthorized and gets redirected to /login page by default.

In this example, we log the user out when HTTP error status code is 401.
You can decide, depending on any error status code you want to check, if the users continue to process by returning a resolved promise or if they are logged out for rejecting the promise.

const authProvider = {
logout: () => {
return Promise.resolve();
checkError: (error) => {
if (error.status === 401) {
return Promise.reject();
return Promise.resolve();

checkError method will be accessible via the useCheckError auth hook.

import { useCheckError } from "@pankod/refine";

const { mutate: checkError } = useCheckError();


mutate acquired from useLogout can accept any kind of object for values since logout method from authProvider doesn't have a restriction on its parameters.

Refer to useCheckError documentation for more information. β†’

Redirection after error​

You can override the default redirection by giving a path to the rejected promise.

checkError: (error) => {
if (error.status === 401) {
return Promise.reject("custom-url");

Redirection path given to checkError overrides the one on logout.


Whenever route changes, checkAuth from authProvider is called.
When checkAuth returns a rejected promise, authentication is cancelled and the app is redirected to an error page that allows the user to navigate to the root path which shows a login page by default.

Checking the authentication data can be easily done here. For example if the authentication data is stored in the local storage:

const authProvider = {
checkAuth: () => {
localStorage.getItem("auth") ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject();

  • A custom redirectPath can be given to Promise reject from the checkAuth. If you want to redirect yourself to a certain URL.
const authProvider = {
checkAuth: () => {
? Promise.resolve()
: Promise.reject({ redirectPath: "/custom-url" });

checkAuth method will be accessible via useAuthenticated auth hook.

import { useAuthenticated } from "@pankod/refine";

const {
refetch: checkAuth,
} = useAuthenticated();

Refer to useAuthenticated documentation for more information. β†’


You may want to require authorization for certain parts of the app based on the permissions that current user have. Permission logic can be defined in the getPermission method.

We will show you how to give authorization based on roles determined in getPermissions.

const mockUsers = [
username: "admin",
roles: ["admin"],
username: "editor",
roles: ["editor"],

const authProvider = {
getPermissions: () => {
const auth = localStorage.getItem("auth");
if (auth) {
const parsedUser = JSON.parse(auth);
return Promise.resolve(parsedUser.roles);
return Promise.reject();

Data that getPermissions resolves with is accesible by the usePermissions hook.

For example let's say that only the admins must be able to create new posts from the list page. <List> can show a button for creating new posts. If it's required that only admins can create new posts, this button must be only accessible to users who has the "admin" role.

import { List, usePermissions } from "@pankod/refine";

export const PostList: React.FC = () => {
const { data: permissionsData } = usePermissions();

return <List canCreate={permissionsData?.includes("admin")}>...</List>;

Refer to usePermissions documentation for more information. β†’


User data can be accessed within the app by returning a resolved Promise in the getUserIdentity method.

const authProvider = {
getUserIdentity: () => {
const auth = localStorage.getItem("auth");
if (auth) {
const parsedUser = JSON.parse(auth);
return Promise.resolve(parsedUser.username);
return Promise.reject();

The resolved data can be acquired using the useGetIdentity hook.

import { useGetIdentity } from "@pankod/refine";

const { data: userIdentity } = useGetIdentity<string>();
// userIdentity: "admin"

Refer to useGetIdentity documentation for more information. β†’

const authProvider = {
getUserIdentity: () => {
const user = {
name: "Jane Doe",
avatar: "",
return Promise.resolve(user);

If the resolved data has a name or avatar property, refine renders a suitable header for that data:

Header View


If the resolved data has a name property, a name text appears; if it has an avatar property, an avatar image appears; if it has a name and an avatar property, they both appear together.

Setting Authorization Credentials​

After user logs in, their credentials can be sent along with the API request by configuring the dataProvider. A custom httpClient can be passed to dataProvider to include configurations like cookies and request headers.

We'll show how to add a token acquired from the login method to the Authorization header of the HTTP requests.

import axios from "axios";

const axiosInstance = axios.create();

const mockUsers = [
{ username: "admin", token: "123" },
{ username: "editor", token: "321" }

const App = () => {
const authProvider: AuthProvider = {
login: ({ username, password }) => {
// Suppose we actually send a request to the back end here.
const user = mockUsers.find((item) => item.username === username);

if (user) {
localStorage.setItem("auth", JSON.stringify(user));

axiosInstance.defaults.headers.common["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${user.token}`;
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.reject();

return (
dataProvider={dataProvider(API_URL, axiosInstance)}

We recommend using axios as the HTTP client with the @pankod/refine-simple-rest dataProvider. Other HTTP clients can also be preferred.

Hooks and Components​

These hooks can be used with the authProvider authentication and authorization operations.

API Reference​


PropertyDescriptionResolve condition
Logs user inAuth confirms login
Logs user outAuth confirms logout
Checks credentials on each route changesAuthentication still persist
Checks if a dataProvider returns an errorData provider doesn't return an error
Can be use to get user credentialsAuthorization roles accepted
getUserIdentityCan be use to get user identityUser identity avaliable to return

Live Codesandbox Example​