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<Create> provides us a layout to display the page. It does not contain any logic but adds extra functionalities like action buttons and giving titles to the page.

We'll show what <Create> does using properties with examples.



It allows adding title inside the <Create> component. if you don't pass title props it uses "Create" prefix and singular resource name by default. For example, for the /posts/create resource, it will be "Create post".

import { Create } from "@pankod/refine";

export const CreatePage: React.FC = () => {
return <Create title="Custom Title">...</Create>;


<Create> component has a default button that submits the form. If you want to customize this button you can use the saveButtonProps property like the code below.

Refer to the <SaveButton> documentation for detailed usage. β†’

import { Create } from "@pankod/refine";

export const CreatePage: React.FC = () => {
return <Create saveButtonProps={{ size: "small" }}>...</Create>;


<Create> uses the Ant Design <Card> component. The action property of the <Card> component shows <SaveButton> and <DeleteButton> based on your resource definition in the resources property you pass to <Refine>. If you want to use other things instead of these buttons, you can use the actionButton property like the code below.

import { Create, Button } from "@pankod/refine";

export const CreatePage: React.FC = () => {
return (
<Button type="primary">Custom Button 1</Button>
<Button size="small">Custom Button 2</Button>

actionButton Usage


<Create> uses the Ant Design <PageHeader> components so you can customize with the props of pageHeaderProps.

Refer to the <PageHeader> documentation for detailed usage. β†’

import { Create } from "@pankod/refine";

export const CreatePage: React.FC = () => {
return (
onBack: () => console.log("Hello, refine"),
subTitle: "Subtitle",

pageHeaderProps Usage


The <Create> component reads the resource information from the route by default. This default behavior will not work on custom pages. If you want to use the <Create> component in a custom page, you can use the resource prop.

Refer to the custom pages documentation for detailed usage. β†’

import { Refine, Create } from "@pankod/refine";
import routerProvider from "@pankod/refine-react-router";
import dataProvider from "@pankod/refine-simple-rest";

const CustomPage = () => {
return <Create resource="posts">...</Create>;

export const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
routes: [
exact: true,
component: CustomPage,
path: "/custom",
resources={[{ name: "posts" }]}

API Reference​


saveButtonPropsAdds props for create button{ disabled: boolean; onClick: () => void; loading: boolean; }<SaveButton>
titleAdds titlestring"Edit" prefix and singular of
actionButtonsPasses the props for <PageHeader>React.ReactNode<SaveButton> and depending on your resource configuration (canDelete prop)
pageHeaderPropsPasses the props for <PageHeader>PageHeaderProps{ ghost: false, title, extra: <ListButton> and <RefreshButton> }
resourceResource name for API data interactionsstringResource name that it reads from the URL.